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Not so very long ago I was completely under the spell of quilting 
and all things related.  I have since moved along to other obsessions.
(See my embroidery, temari and artwork pages!)  
But quilting still holds a very special place in my heart and someday 
I will return to it.  As all quilters know, quilting is a sort of disease - 
it affects your heart, and never lets go!


 The most recent quilts I have done were for Joel's niece and nephew.  The twins, a boy and a girl, 
were born in 1997.  The pattern is a variation of patterns from Quilter's Newsletter Magazine™

To see a larger picture  click on the little pictures below, 
then use your BACK button to returnto this page!

twn_qult.jpg (219269 bytes)

Another past effort was this miniature made for my folks:

nanaqt1.jpg (308378 bytes)

And one of the quilts I did when I was sewing for a pattern company:

xmasqt.jpg (458561 bytes)